Ação, contexto e conhecimento

Estou lendo Why We Drive, livro de Matthew Crawford. O livro pode ser entendido como uma obra que discute questões que são do interesse de motoristas. Esse entendimento é aparente. Crawford usa o domínio e prazer da direção para uma conversa sobre avanços das novas tecnologias e o conhecimento humano do dia a dia, num processo de colonização de nosso saberes. Por acaso, dei uma olhada em livro que enfrenta uma longa espera para ser lido por mim, Plans and Situated Actions, de Lucy A. Suchman. Aí caiu um ficha. Achei que ambos os livros abordam no fundo a mesma questão. Abordam a questão da colonização do espírito pela máquina. Me parece que as duas obras podem ser objeto de uma resenha temática, embora tenham sido escritas em épocas diferentes, uma em 1987, outra em 2024.

Para verificar se minha intuição está no caminho certo, resolvi perguntar à Perplexity, plataforma de IA, se há algum paralelismo entre as duas obras. Obtive a resposta que segue.

The parallels between “Why We Drive” and “Plans and Situated Actions” lie in their exploration of human behavior and technology in the context of transportation and urban planning. “Why We Drive” delves into the societal impact of driving, addressing issues like safety, sustainability, and convenience. On the other hand, “Plans and Situated Actions” likely focuses on the interaction between individuals, technology, and the environment in the execution of plans and actions, possibly shedding light on how people navigate and make decisions within urban spaces.These parallels suggest a common theme of human-machine interaction, decision-making, and the impact of technology on mobility and urban environments in both works.

Depois da reposta, a Perplexity indica alguns temas relacionados com a pergunta original. Interessei-me por um deles, what is the main idea of plans and situated actions. Solicitei a resposta. Ela aparece no trecho que segue.

The main idea of “Plans and Situated Actions” is that purposeful action and shared understanding are fundamentally situated in the concrete circumstances and context in which they occur, rather than being solely determined by pre-existing plans. The author argues that plans are inherently vague and serve more as artifacts of our reasoning about action than as the actual generative mechanism of action itself.Key points:

  • Plans say little about the actual course of situated action, which is enormously contingent on the specific circumstances
  • Situated action is transparent to us as actors, while our anticipations and reconstructions are the principal means by which we reason about action
  • The planning model attempts to systematize our commonsense preoccupation with anticipating and reviewing action, while ignoring the actual situated action that is the object of this reasoning

In contrast to the planning model, the author proposes a view of purposeful action and shared understanding as fundamentally situated in the concrete circumstances and publicly available world of artifacts and actions. The significance of artifacts and actions is seen as having an essential relationship to their particular concrete circumstances.

As informações fornecidas pela plataforma de IA me animaram a fazer a resenha. O tema é muito interessante.

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